Come and visit us
Come and visit us

Visitors are welcome throughout the year to come and explore our calm, disruption-free learning environment.

Top school in Wandsworth for boys' progress*
Top school in Wandsworth for boys' progress*

*based on validated DfE Progress 8 measures 2025

"Very strong subject knowledge helps students prepare well for their next steps in education, training, or employment."

Top school in Wandsworth for boys' progress*
Top school in Wandsworth for boys' progress*

Within the top 4 schools in the borough for overall student progress.

Fostering Excellence in Young Men
Fostering Excellence in Young Men



Ernest Bevin Academy is an all-boys school with a co-educational sixth form for boys and girls in Tooting, London. We are proud to provide an exceptional level of pastoral care, an education that inspires, and outstanding enrichment opportunities for every student. We are the top school in Wandsworth for boys' progress from 11-16. Boys at Ernest Bevin Academy outperformed boys nationally in both GCSE English and maths in 2024, a clear testament to our expertise in teaching boys. We are part of the United Learning group of schools. 

Read the Principal's welcome

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