
Ernest Bevin Academy Safeguarding Statement of Intent

The Safeguarding ethos at EBA is built on the foundations of these three values:

  • Child-centred approach
  • Everyone responsible; everyone vigilant
  • No concern too small to raise

If you have safeguarding concerns about a student or any other child, contact Tim Kay on 020 86728582 or through

The Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy can be found here

Everyone at Ernest Bevin Academy who comes into contact with children or their families and carers has a role to play in safeguarding children. All professionals should ensure that their approach is child-centred: this means always considering what is in the best interests of the child. We also recognise that abuse and neglect are complex issues and rarely stand-alone events and therefore require a culture of vigilance, professional curiosity and respectful challenge and effective recording and monitoring systems.

Every member of staff is trained in how to recognise the signs of abuse and in how to respond.

The scope of safeguarding at EBA is broad and encompasses the Prevent agenda, online safety, Child Sexual Exploitation, FGM, mental health, staying safe on the streets and much more.

Ernest Bevin Academy participates in Operation Encompass which is a domestic abuse notification system run by the Metropolitan Police Service.


Working to safeguard children

To ensure that all students are safe, we work in conjunction with partnership agencies, staff, parents, visitors, and members of the community to support our safeguarding procedures. We take our responsibilities for safeguarding children in our care seriously. Many students have expressed their appreciation of the amount of support that the school has given them.

We work closely with our Safer Schools Team (Metropolitan Police) and they act as a first point of contact between the school and the police.

EBA recognises the difficulties that young people and their families face in today’s society on a day-to-day basis. We are committed to offering equal opportunities and support to all our students.

The academy runs activities and workshops to raise awareness during the academic year to support students’ understanding and management of potentially unsafe or concerning situations including bullying, online safety and other specific safeguarding issues that may arise.

Support and mentoring schemes are made available to students to equip them with the required tools to make the right decisions and develop independence whilst keeping themselves safe by knowing how to access help when they need it.

The Whistleblowing Policy can be found here

Medical and First Aid

Ernest Bevin Academy is an inclusive community that aims to support students with medical conditions. Student medication is stored in the Medical Room and overseen by the Healthcare Assistant.

Ernest Bevin Academy has a number of staff who are qualified to perform first aid. A first aid qualified member of staff accompanies every school trip.

Staff are additionally trained in allergies, anaphylactic shock and Epi pen use, epilepsy, diabetes and other conditions as appropriate.

Fay Ngombo

Healthcare Coordinator

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