
We are passionate about sustainability

at Ernest Bevin Academy, striving to reduce our energy consumption throughout the school, recycle whatever and wherever possible and teach students to how to reduce the impact that we have on our planet and resources.

We are proud to be working with Let's Go Zero on a Carbon Nautral Action Plan to reduce our carbon footprint.

Proud partners with Refood

All of the food waste from our kitchen is collected by Refood, the first organisation to generate renewable energy from food waste. Using a closed-loop process, Refood turn our food waste into renewable energy, bio-fertiliser and more. 

Read more at 

Reducing our impact on the planet

Here's a summary of some of the other things we are doing at Ernest Bevin Academy:

  • Our Eco Team organise weekly collections of paper and plastic recycling across classrooms and offices, and look after our indoor plants.
  • The Eco Team are also responsible for encouraging all staff to switch off devices when not in use, and lights when rooms are not in use.
  • Battery recycling bins are in school.
  • The majority of lighting in our school is provided by LED lighting.
  • Our printers are set to maximum parameters to reduce paper waste.
  • We have pre-loved uniform avaulable for all families.
  • Some of our school furniture is second hand.
  • Our green wall outside provides a beautiful space for students to learn to care for plants.
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