Academy Meals


Welcome to the catering page of our website. We aim to make students aware of the importance of healthy eating and adopting a healthy lifestyle particularly through regular sporting participation. We want to enable our students to be environmentally aware and encourage students to bring their own water bottle which they can refill at the water fountains that are available. This means students stay hydrated and reduce plastic waste.

Academy Caterers

Academy meals are provided by Harrison caterers. The on-site catering team prepare fresh food on site that fulfils all current Government requirements for healthy living. A choice of hot meals, including a vegetarian option, is served daily as well as a more deli style section serving baguettes, pasta, soup and baked potatoes. Healthy eating is important for the students so that they can have a nutritious tasty meal. All meat is Halal. There is also a food service at morning break time where students can buy healthy snacks and drinks.

Students should not bring in sweets, sugary foods, chewing gum, fizzy drinks or energy drinks particularly those with a high caffeine content as part of the academy’s commitment to Healthy Eating.

Click on the link below and the menu will open in a new window.

The cost of a main hot meal is £2.83 a day. Our meal deal costs £2.25 (meal deal meal and a drink/dessert). Baguettes, pasta pots, and soup are also available at competitive prices.

Morning Break  Menu and Pricelist
Fresh Fruit Pots £1.10
‘Hot’ filled Baguette £1.25
Potato Wedges with Topping £1.40
Pizza of the Day £1.40
Toastie of the Day £1.54
Pasta Pot £1.43
Rice Pot £1.43
Baguettes of the Day £2.00
Sandwiches of the Day £1.80
Burrito (various) £1.54
Drinks Selection
Water 500ml £0.72
Water 330ml £0.52
Radnor Fruits Still 125ml Tetra Pack £0.41
Radnor Fruits Still 200ml Tetra Pack £0.57
Calypso Cuplet 85ml £0.41


Packed lunch

If your child prefers a packed lunch, students are welcome to bring in a packed lunch; this should be eaten in the lunch hall. Jugs of water are available for students to help themselves to cups of water free of charge. We encourage families to provide healthy packed lunches.

At Ernest Bevin Academy, we prioritise a healthy, balanced eating environment during school meals and snack times. This extends to students who prefer to bring packed lunches from home. For guidance and healthy suggestions on packed lunches, we encourage you to visit the following link

Cashless School

We operate a cashless biometric system to pay for meals to make the dinner service as speedy as possible. The students are set up on this system as soon as they join Ernest Bevin Academy.

Parents use Arbor Pay to pay for food (and trips and other items) via their website, mobile phone app or use the large network of PayPoint locations in convenience stores and supermarkets around the country.

Parents joining the academy will be given a log in and information about how to set up an account. (To Register: Please follow the link in the email or text you received from your school, or request a link from them.)

Breakfast Club 

EBA offers a free Breakfast Club for all students from 8.10-8.30am in the Food Tech Room. Research has shown eating a healthy breakfast improves student concentration in morning

Free School Meals

We advise you to apply for Free School meals by clicking on the link below and email back the filled form to

Eligibility is confirmed by Wandsworth council.

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