
Mathematics is critical in helping us all to understand and change the world. It plays a vital role in many aspects of our everyday life. The subject of Mathematics provides us with a broad range of skills for problem solving, logical reasoning and flexible thinking.

At Ernest Bevin Academy, we have redesigned our Key Stage 3 schemes of learning to reflect the new National Curriculum for Mathematics. Our KS3 students complete a 2-year programme of study for KS3 and then proceed to go onto a 3-year GCSE programme. Our schemes of learning are intended to develop the skills set out in the National Curriculum as well as to nurture a sense of curiosity and confidence about mathematics.

We offer two optional additional GCSE qualifications at KS4 – GCSE Statistics and the OCR FSMQ in additional maths.

Ernest Bevin Academy subscribes to Sparx to improve learning outcomes.


Curriculum Intent

  • To set challenging targets with high expectations of all our students.
  • To offer a variety of approaches to teaching and learning to engage and motivate students and demand their active participation in the Subject.
  • To smooth the transition for students between Key Stages and ensure progression in teaching and learning throughout their time at EBA.
  • To explore as many enrichment opportunities as possible outside the curriculum to enhance students’ enjoyment of mathematics.
  • To ensure all our students leave the school numerate and with a qualification in Mathematics.

1. How do you ensure consistent delivery of the subject across all key stages?

Maths is taught using a mastery approach throughout the whole academy where students will have a maths lesson every day. The topics taught (which are detailed below) progress in a logical and layered order and build upon previous learning. Students are formally and informally assessed throughout their journey and any gaps in knowledge are identified and addressed by the classroom teacher.

2. How does the curriculum cater for disadvantages, SEND and other minority group students?

All children have access to the same curriculum and differentiated support is provided where necessary.

A scaffolded scheme of learning is followed by students to break the topics into smaller, more manageable chunks and gives time every week to work on basic number skills such as times tables.

There are smaller teaching groups, focus groups, intervention groups and additional teaching support in the classroom.

3. How does the curriculum embed prior knowledge and aid long-term retention of knowledge?

There is also informal recap within lessons such as Do now’s and Sparx insights. This approach to lesson structure ensures the Rosenshine principles are embedded in the teaching. There are regular assessments throughout the year which are cumulative and ensure prior knowledge is revisited and helps to ensure long-term retention of knowledge.

Sparx Maths

Ernest Bevin Academy subscribes to Sparx to improve learning outcomes.

Students’ will need their Microsoft office 365 username and password to be able to sign in on Sparx Maths via the Student login portal

  • Why are there lots of topics with the same name?
    The Academy also uses Pearson Active Learn, a platform linked to the textbooks used in lessons. Students should check their login details with their maths teacher.
  • To set challenging targets with high expectations of all our students.
  • To offer a variety of approaches to teaching and learning to engage and motivate students and demand their active participation in the Subject.
  • To smooth the transition for students between Key Stages and ensure progression in teaching and learning throughout their time at EBA.
  • To explore as many enrichment opportunities as possible outside the curriculum to enhance students’ enjoyment of mathematics.
  • To ensure all our students leave the school numerate and with a qualification in Mathematics.

In addition to these aims, we have built in opportunities for students to:

  • Develop mathematical fluency – Through mathematics lessons and specifically designed theoretical and practical activities, students are given the opportunity to develop fluency in performing key mathematical skills, so they become second nature.
  • Reason Mathematically – Students are given opportunities to think logically and flexibly to develop sound mathematical arguments and reasoning.
  • Solve complex problems – Students’ ability to solve mathematical problems is nurtured during lessons through exposure to a variety of strategies and modelling of good practice.

At the end of their mathematical education in this school, we expect our students to:

  • Perform basic numeracy skills fluently.
  • Perform basic mathematical skills needed in his/her chosen career or for entry to higher or further mathematical education.
  • Understand the practical mathematics likely to be encountered in daily life.
  • Reason clearly and logically, and to set out rational mathematical arguments.
  • Identify or spot patterns encountered in diverse situations and to make effective connections and inferences.
  • Approach and solve problems systematically and choose appropriate techniques for their solution.
  • Experience satisfaction in and enjoyment of mathematical experiences and achievements including discussions.

Topics Studied

KS3 - YEAR 7


1st half of the year (Sep - Jan) 2nd half of the year (Jan - July)
  • Place value and Number sense
  • Addition and Subtraction
  • Perimeter
  • Rounding & Estimation (in real life situations)
  • Multiplication and Division
  • Factors and Multiples
  • Area of rectangles and triangles and parallelograms
  • Fractions as part of a whole
  • Fractions as a value
  • Fractions as an operation
  • Order of operations
  • Basic rules of algebra
  • Expand and factorise
  • Substitution
  • Angles
  • Polygons
  • Symmetry and reflection
  • Coordinates
  • Mean
  • Two-way tables & Venn diagrams
Mid-Year Assessment - all topics in 1st half of Year 7 End of Year Assessment - includes all topics in Year 7


KS3 - Year 8


1st half of the year (Sep - Jan) 2nd half of the year (Jan - July)
  • Indices
  • Prime Factorisation
  • Rounding
  • Fractions
  • Percentages revision
  • Linear equations
  • Coordinates and basic graphs
  • Units of measurement
  • Angles
  • Circumference
  • Proportional reasoning
  • Fractions, decimals and percentages
  • Ratio
  • Area of circle and trapezia
  • Presenting and interpreting data
  • Averages
  • 3‐D visualisation
  • Volume
Mid-Year Assessment – includes topics from all of Year 7 and 1st half of Year 8 End of Year Assessment – includes all topics from Year 7 and 8
KS3 - Year 9 Sets 1 & 2


1st half of the year (Sep - Jan) 2nd half of the year (Jan - July)
  • Indices Powers & Roots
  • Factors, Multiples & Primes
  • Multiply and divide decimals
  • Rounding and estimation
  • Bounds
  • Use a calculator
  • Ratio
  • FDP
  • Fractions
  • Percentages
  • Proportion
  • Parallel lines
  • Circles
  • Volume
  • Surface Area
  • Sequences
  • Basic vectors
  • Plans and elevations
  • Notation
  • Expanding & FactorisingExpressions & Substitution
  • Linear equations
  • Linear Inequalities
  • Perimeter & Area & Measures
  • Pythagoras
  • Right-Angled Trigonometry
  • Properties of shapes
  • Angle facts
  • Parallel lines
  • Circles
  • Volume
  • Surface Area
  • Sequences
  • Basic vectors
  • Transformations
  • Plans and elevations
Mid-Year Assessment – includes topics from all of Year 7 and 8 and the 1st half of Year 9 End of Year Assessment – includes all topics from Year 7, 8 and 9
KS3 - Year 9 sets 3 & 4


1st half of the year (Sep - Jan) 2nd half of the year (Jan - July)
  • Place value & Number Properties
  • 4 Rules ‐ Decimals
  • Rounding and estimation
  • Indices Powers & Roots
  • Factors, Multiples & Primes
  • Ratio (basic)
  • FDP
  • Fractions
  • Percentages
  • Proportion
  • Notation
  • Simplifying & Index Laws
  • Expanding & Factorising
  • Expressions & Substitution
  • Linear Equations
  • Linear Inequalities
  • Perimeter & Area
  • Pythagoras
  • Properties of shapes
  • Angle facts
Mid-Year Assessment – includes topics from all of Year 7 and 8 and the 1st half of Year 9 End of Year Assessment – includes all topics from Year 7, 8 and 9
KS4 - Year 10 Foundation

KEY STAGE 4 – Foundation (Typically set 4 and 5 in year 10 and 11)

1st half of the year (Sep - Jan) 2nd half of the year (Jan - July)
  • Linear equations and inequalities
  • Angle facts – polygons and parallel lines
  • Volume and surface area
  • Rearrange formulae 
  • Linear Graphs, including understanding gradient and intercept 
  • Compound Measures 
  • Quadratic graphs, turning points and roots
  • Linear Simultaneous Equations   
  • Further graphs 
  • Sequences
  • Circles
  • Probability
  • Standard Form
  • Simple interest
  • Ratio (further)
  • Growth & Decay
  • Statistics
  • Plans & elevations
  • Constructions & Loci
Mid-Year Assessment – includes all topics from Year 7, 8 9 and the 1st half of Year 10 End of Year Assessment – includes all topics from Year 7, 8 9 and 10
KS4 - Year 11 Foundation

KEY STAGE 4 – Foundation (Typically set 4 and 5 in year 10 and 11)

1st half of the year (Sep – Jan) 2nd half of the year (Jan-July)
  • Pythagoras
  • Right Angled Trigonometry
  • Bearings & Scale Drawings
  • Four operations including integers, fractions and decimals
  • Ratio and proportion
  • Percentages
  • Types of numbers
  • Expressions and equations
  • Transformations
  • Congruence
  • Vectors
  • Similar shapes
  • Class specific revision topics for mock exams

Feb/March Mock Exams

  • Class specific revision topics for exams
November Mock Exams  JUNE GCSE EXAMS.
KS4 - Year 10 Higher

Key stage 4 – Higher (Typically set 1 & 2 in year 10 and 11)

1st Half of the year (Sep – Jan) 2nd Half of the year (Jan-July)
  • Rearrange formulae  
  • Linear Graphs, including understanding gradient and intercept
  • Compound Measures 
  • Quadratic graphs, TP and roots 
  • Linear Simultaneous Equations 
  • Further graphs 
  • Further expanding & factorising
  • Probability
  • Capture & Recapture
  • Standard Form
  • Proportion (further)
  • Surds
  • Recurring decimals
  • Bounds
  • Growth & Decay
  • Simple interest
  • Ratio (further)
  • Right angled Trigonometry
  • Plans & elevations
  • Constructions & Loci
  • Similar shapes
id-Year Assessment – includes all topics from Year 7, 8 9 and the 1st half of Year 10 End of Year Assessment – includes all topics from Year 7, 8 9 and 10
KS4 - Year 11 Higher

Key stage 4 – Higher (Typically set 1 & 2 in year 10 and 11)

1st Half of the year (Sep – Jan) 2nd Half of the year (Jan-July)
  • Algebraic Proof
  • Solving quadratic and further simultaneous equations
  • Functions
  • Iteration
  • Quadratic Inequalities
  • Bearings
  • Circle Theorems
  • Further trigonometry and trigonometric graphs
  • Class specific revision topics for mock exams
  • Statistics (Higher tier topics)
  • Transformations
  • Congruence
  • Vectors
  • Gradients (further) and area under a graph
  • Kinematics
  • Graphical transformations
  • Class specific revision topics for mock exams

Feb/March Mock Exams

  • Class specific revision topics for exams
November Mock Exams   JUNE GCSE EXAMS.
GCSE Resit - Year 12
1st half of the year (Sep - Jan) 2nd half of the year (Jan - July)
  • Linear equations and inequalities
  • Angle facts – polygons and parallel lines
  • Volume and surface area
  • Rearrange formulae 
  • Linear Graphs, including understanding gradient and intercept 
  • Compound Measures 
  • Quadratic graphs, turning points and roots 
  • Linear Simultaneous Equations   
  • Further graphs 
  • Probability
  • Capture & Recapture
  • Standard Form
  • Proportion (further)
  • Surds
  • Recurring decimals
  • Bounds
  • Growth & DecaySimple interestRatio (further)
  • Right angled Trigonometry
  • Plans & elevations
  • Constructions & Loci
  • Similar shapes
  • Sequences
  • Circles
  • Statistics
November Mock Exams JUNE GCSE EXAMS
GCSE Resit - Year 13
1st half of the year (Sep - Jan) 2nd half of the year (Jan - July)
  • Pythagoras
  • Right Angled Trigonometry
  • Bearings & Scale Drawings
  • Four operations including integers, fractions and decimals
  • Ratio and proportion
  • Percentages
  • Types of numbers
  • Expressions and equations
  • Transformations
  • Congruence
  • Vectors
  • Similar shapes
  • Class specific revision topics for mock exams

March Mock Exams

  • Class specific revision topics for exams
November Mock Exams JUNE GCSE EXAMS
KS5 - Year 12 (Pure 1, Stats 1 & Mechs 1)
September - November December - March March - June
  • Quadratics
  • Equations and Inequalities
  • Correlation
  • Differentiation
  • Algebraic Methods (1)
  • Integration
  • Straight line graphs
  • Trigonometric ratios
  • Tangents and normal
  • Probability
  • Trigonometric identities and equations
  • Circles
  • Binomial expansion
  • Exponentials and logarithms
  • Vectors (1)
  • (Homeworks also cover Data collection)
  • Measures of location & spread and
  • Representation of data)
  • Statistical distributions
  • Sequences and series
  • Vectors (2)
  • Hypothesis testing
  • Binomial Expansion
  • Proofs
  • Variable acceleration
  • Modelling
  • Constant Acceleration
  • Forces & motion
  • Algebraic methods
  • Trigonometric Functions
November Mock Exam Feb/March Mock Exam End of Year Exam
KS5 - Year 13 (Pure 2, Stats 2 & Mechs 2)
September - November December - March March - June
  • Differentiation (1)
  • Radians
  • Integration
  • Trigonometry and modelling
  • Trigonometric Functions
  • Parametric Equations
  • Regression, correlation, and hypothesis testing
  • Differentiation (2)
  • Conditional probability
  • Vectors
  • Normal distribution
  • Momentum
  • Projectiles
  • Forces and Friction
  • Sequences and series
  • Functions and graphs
  • Application of forces
  • Binomial expansion
  • Numeric methods
  • Further kinematics
  • Revision, practice and examination

Maths Resources Online and Curriculum Maps


Please click on the links to find out the details of the curriculum for each year group.

Maths resources online

The links below will take you to some additional resources which may help students with their studies. Please note some take you to external websites.

Sparx   – students need their Ernest Bevin Academy Microsoft log in.
OnMaths  – free website with GCSE papers, practice questions etc.
Exam Solutions – Maths made easy with video tutorials, papers and exam solutions.
Maths Genie – free GCSE & A Level revision guide and resource bank.
MathedUp! – resources for KS3/4/5, GCSE & A Level.
Mathpapa  – algebra calculator.
Just Maths – tips and resources for GCSE Maths Foundation and Higher Tier papers.
Brainscape  – download or make your own flashcards to help revision.
Cram  – online flashcards or make your own.
iRevise – free and premium (paid) resource with revision tips, papers etc in all subjects.
Tutorful – find a tutor website.
A Level Maths | Up Learn – paid A-Level resources.
The GCSE Maths Tutor– interactive video tutorials.
Corbett’s maths  – videos and worksheets

Pearson Active Learn

The Academy also uses Pearson Active Learn, a platform linked to the textbooks used in lessons. Students should check their login details with their maths teacher.

United Learning Hub

United Learning comprises: United Learning Ltd (Registered in England No: 00018582. Charity No. 313999) UCST (Registered in England No: 2780748. Charity No. 1016538) and ULT (Registered in England No. 4439859. An Exempt Charity). Companies limited by guarantee.
Registered address: United Learning, Worldwide House, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough, PE3 6SB.

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