Homework and Resources

At Ernest Bevin Academy, we recognise the importance of children completing homework across every year group level. We understand that children have to continue to build on their prior learning and be encouraged to prepare for lessons to come and this can be achieved by completing homework regularly. In order to be successful in their learning, students are required to complete homework in every subject. This will allow them to apply the knowledge they have acquired in class.

At Key Stage 3 (KS3) , we want a significant portion of the homework to be dedicated to promote students’ literacy and reading skills. These are two key areas we have found that would help students make progress in all subjects. At Key Stage 4 (KS4), homework will continue to be dedicated to promote students’ literacy but will also focus on the ability to complete examination style questions.

Homework will be set on Microsoft Teams as a reminder of what students need to complete. Microsoft Teams is an online platform designed to allow students to work both at home and at school. All students have access to their homework folders through their Microsoft Teams account. It is recommended that parents regularly check their child’s homework through that same account so that they understand the work their child needs to complete.

Homework can then be submitted either on Microsoft Teams or paper, depending on the teacher’s instructions. A homework deadline will be set on Microsoft Teams and this will be directly communicated to the students when the homework is set.

To assist teachers improve the quality of homework submitted by students, we will support children who are having difficulties and reward good work. However, there will also be consequences if homework is not completed to the highest standard or if it is not submitted at all.

Homework is essential as it enables children to explore their own interests, allowing them to consolidate and expand their knowledge and ensuring they have a better understanding of themselves as well as supporting them to achieve better grades.

At KS4, a student should expect to receive two pieces of homework per week from their core subjects of Maths, English and Science plus one from each of the option subjects. It would be expected that each homework would take a minimum of 30 minutes to complete.

We are certain that you will assist the Academy by discussing this with your child and ensuring that they produce excellent homework and submit it on time.

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