In the Sixth Form, homework is referred to as independent study, as students will increasingly be encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning in preparation for higher education and workplace training.
Independent Study is required to:
- Reinforce and consolidate work covered in lessons;
- Encourage independent and reflective learning;
- Develop a deeper knowledge and understanding;
- Prepare students for future lessons or assessments;
- Promote an interest and joy in learning;
- Enable teachers to make a judgement about students’ progress and level of attainment.
All students at Ernest Bevin Sixth Form, are expected to study outside of their lessons. This additional study is essential if students are to achieve or exceed their target. We recommend that for all level 3 subjects (AS, A2, BTEC, Applied qualifications), students should engage in independent study for a minimum of five hours per week for each subject.
Independent study will be set as specific tasks by subject teachers. This might include:
- Coursework research and writing;
- Essays;
- Practice exercises;
- Practical tasks;
- Practice exam questions;
- Flipped learning and note taking to be undertaken before the next lesson;
- On-going work on BTEC assignments.
During examinations or controlled assessment periods, this may include:
- Revision;
- Completion of past exam questions.
Some work may not be set by teachers, but students are required on a weekly basis to:
- Review work completed in class each day;
- Write up/extend notes as necessary;
- Read/extend their learning;
- Undertake super curricula activities
Students will need to develop the organisational and independent study skills to enable them to cope with the level and quantity of learning required for success in the Sixth Form and manage their time effectively. The tutorial programme will provide study skills support to help students manage the transition from Year 11 to Year and from Year 12 to Year 13.
Through our programme of academic monitoring and support, we will identify students who are finding independent study a challenge or who need to manage their workload well. The Sixth Form Team will work closely with curriculum areas and, where necessary, parents to offer guidance and support through our pastoral system as appropriate.