The academy has very high rates of attendance and punctuality; these contribute to our academic success. Regular attendance and punctuality are crucial to learning. The academy has an electronic system to register both daily and individual lesson attendance. Parents are alerted to late registrations or non-attendance by an auto-text message in the morning when the registers have closed.
What is Good Attendance?
We are frequently asked what good attendance is. The graphic below shows our expectations.
We expect students to be in every day.

100% Attendance Awards?
We expect 100% from all our students. This helps them attain their best results in school. Those who achieve 100% every week are put in a pool and are selected at random to win a reward.
Should your child be unwell you should telephone the school on 0208 672 8582 or send a message via the Arbor parent portal / app. This message should include your child’s name, tutor group and reason for absence.
Latecomers must sign in at reception.
An appointment card must be shown if lateness is due to an appointment. A detention will be set for the same day if there is no acceptable reason for lateness.
Term Time Absence
Holidays should not be taken in term time and written permission should be sought from the Principal in advance. Permission will only be granted in extenuating circumstances.
Click on the link below to download a holiday request form. This form must be printed, filled in and signed by the parent/carer and then handed to the academy office in advance of the requested absence.
The Academy cannot accept requests by email or the Arbor parent portal / app.